President Võ Văn Thưởng, I am delighted to meet you today, once again, and grateful for this opportunity to delve into and establish our ever-evolving relations between our respective countries.
Allow me also to thank you for your cordial time invitation for me to visit Vietnam. It is indeed a privilege for me to witness firsthand the flourishing economy and culture of Vietnam.
I would also like to extend in advance my well wishes to you and the Vietnamese people on the celebration of the Tet holiday.
I wish to express my appreciation for the mutual high-level engagements that [have] been taking place between our countries, and I recognize that these visits are a testament to the thriving nature of our relations.
Vietnam remains the sole Strategic Partner of the Philippines in the ASEAN region, and I am hopeful that this meeting will provide fresh opportunities to reinforce our bilateral relations with the aim of fostering peace and prosperity between our two countries and in the region.
While maritime cooperation is the foundation of our Strategic Partnership, our bilateral relations have spanned various areas of cooperation, such as in defense, trade, agriculture, and culture, amongst others.
As we continue to face new challenges, we are also presented with a vast number of opportunities for cooperation.
Your Excellency, I once again express my deep appreciation for the warm reception offered by your Government and people to me and my delegation.
Thank you.