26 April 2017

From Presidential Spokesperson Ernie Abella – On the results of the SWS survey re:proposed death penalty
The latest SWS survey showing that 61% of the Filipino people support the proposed death penalty affirms the President’s leadership platform anchored on peace and order as well as his strong stance against illegal hard drugs and criminality.

It also proves that the House of Representatives’ decision last month to pass the death penalty bill is on the right track and accurately reflects the pulse of the Filipino people.

The President is determined to fulfill his promise to make a safer and more secure place for the people and eventually pave the way for sustained economic progress to uplift the lives of the Filipinos especially the poor.

From Presidential Spokesperson Ernie Abella – On the April 25 New York Times Editorial
We recognize the New York Times’ right to opinion, however, we have a clear disagreement with the newspaper’s April 25 editorial, “Let the World Condemn Duterte,” which was based on a complaint filed by a lawyer of a self-confessed assassin.

The President was democratically elected to attack corruption and crime that have made so many Filipinos hostages to the criminals who had prospered through the rampant drug trade and other criminal activities that plagued our nation for decades.

PRRD’s number one priority is therefore to save lives and to improve the lot of all of our countrymen with the cooperation of law enforcement officials, public health professionals, civil society and committed citizens.

Consider the following tangible results: Crime is down by 30% across our nation during the first few months of this Administration when compared with the last months of the previous administration. More than eight of ten Filipinos surveyed by Pulse Asia in Metro Manila feel safer. Drug addicts are taking steps to find the help they need with more than 1.18 million addicts turning to the government for rehabilitation and other assistance.

Drugs are killing people in our country and around the world. Our President is committed to stopping this cancer on our nation and to building a better life for all Filipinos.