Surveys are snapshots of our people’s sentiments at any given time.
We are thus grateful to the Filipino people for giving the President two consecutive ‘very good’ net satisfaction ratings.
The continuous strong support for the President and his administration will serve as an inspiration for him to redouble his energy to be true to his oath of office and fulfill his promise of getting rid of drugs, crime and corruption in our society.
The President knows very well that the many problems faced by the nation, including grinding poverty, inadequate social services, persistent armed rebellion and terrorism, cannot be solved overnight.
But he is doing his best to address all these, and hopes that the Filipino people would support him all the way as unity and firm resolve are what we need to move forward as a nation.
On the President’s colorful language, we ask for our people’s understanding as these utterances are not personal attacks directed at particular persons but mere expressions of disgust and impatience over the many unresolved and unaddressed issues that remain pervasive to this day.