President Benigno S. Aquino III said on Friday he expects the country’s leading columnists and commentators to enlighten the public as the country holds a national election next year.Attending the Bulong Pulungan Christmas Party at the Sofitel Hotel in Pasay City, President Aquino praised the media luminaries for their contribution to democracy and development.
“All of you are veterans and luminaries in the world of media. Throughout every election, you have probably seen every possible character: the false prophets, the wannabe messiahs, the corrupt patrons, and the well-intentioned but ultimately ill-equipped candidates,” he said in a speech before participants of the Bulong Pulungan.
“In May, however, for the first time in memory, there is a valid call to continue the upward trajectory of our country. We finally have someone selling a vision—with a track record that proves that this vision is not only achievable but very much probable through the continuity of reform,” he said.
“We can now legitimately put forward to our people: Their dreams do not have to expire after only six years.”
The President said that in the 2016 election, his administration’s Daang Matuwid policy will be subjected to a referendum.
“It is a campaign that I will personally lead, and I am mindful that there are those who will be relentless in making sure that they retake the reins of powers, in effect setting us back to the old days where personal gain rather than public interest held sway over governance,” he said, adding that these are the same individuals who cannot afford another defeat.
He further noted that some candidates will offer the moon and the stars, without actually putting forward any plan for the nation’s future.
“In short, there are those who are certain about their ambition, but are much less certain about its implications on the rest of the country,” the Chief Executive said.
President Aquino said he trusts that the country’s major columnists would continue to do their part in speaking the truth and delivering a message of hope,¬ not only in the remaining six months of his administration but even after he leaves office.
This, he said, is the same message that enabled the country to stand up against a dictator in 1986; dismantled the system of lying, cheating, and stealing in government in 2010; and laid the foundations for a Philippines that is more inclusive.
“It has indeed been an honor for me to participate in Bulong Pulungan. It is an event that I will surely miss,” the President said. PND (as) |