President Rodrigo Duterte’s vow of matapang na solusyon, mabilis na aksyon went on full display this week with the Administration showing strong political will by reorganizing the cabinet cluster system, banning smoking and restricting small children from riding motorcycles.
President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday, May 16, signed Executive Orer No. 24, reorganizing the cabinet cluster system.
E0 24 created the Infrastructure Cluster and Participatory Governance Cluster in the Cabinet Cluster System and integrated good governance and anti-corruption in the policy frameworks of all the clusters.
The Infrastructure Cluster is created to focus on the infrastructure development of the Administration to be chaired by the Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).
To enhance citizen participation in governmental processes, the Participatory Governance Cluster is created to be headed by the Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).
The present Cabinet Clusters are now as follows: (a) Participatory Governance; (b) Infrastructure; (c) Human Development and Poverty Reduction; (d) Security, Justice, Peace; (e) Climate Adaptation and Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction; and (f) Economic Development.
“Each Cabinet Cluster shall formulate a Performance and Projects Roadmap which shall identify critical targets including identified annual deliverables,” added E0 24.
Also on Tuesday, PRRD signed Executive Order No. 26, banning smoking in public places.
EO 26 provided for the establishment of smoke-free environments in public and enclosed spaces.
It likewise listed as prohibited acts smoking within enclosed public places and public conveyances, except in designated smoking areas (DSA); selling of tobacco products to minor; ordering a minor to use, buy, or distribute tobacco products; and placing tobacco advertisements outside the premises of point-of-sale establishments.
Standards for a DSA had been provided by the said order. This should be an area with proper ventilation or an open space located in or within 10 meters from entrances, exits, or any place where people pass or congregate.
In case the DSA is not located in an open space, it should have a Non-Smoking Buffer Zone. The combined area for a DSA and its buffer zone should not be larger than 20 percent of the total floor area of the building or conveyance, provided that the area should not be less than 10 square-meters. Only one DSA in a building is allowed.
The EO, however, bars the establishment of DSAs in schools, hospitals, clinics, food preparation areas, and locations in which fire hazards are present.
Those who will be found to have violated the EO shall be punished in accordance with applicable penalties under Republic Act 9211 or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003.
The law on nationwide smoking ban was made in time for the World No Tobacco Day celebration on May 31.
Duterte imposed a similar law when he was the mayor of Davao City.
Meanwhile, President Duterte on Friday, May 19, implemented the law banning small children from riding motorcycles along national roads and highways nationwide two years after its enactment.
Republic Act No. 10666, or the Children’s Safety on Motorcycles Act of 2015, prohibits any person driving a two-wheeled motorcycle from taking a child for a ride along public roads where there is a heavy volume of vehicles or high-density of fast moving vehicles, or where a speed limit of more than 60 kilometers per hour is imposed.
Exemptions, however, apply if the child’s feet can reach the motorcycle’s foot pegs, the child’s arms can reach around and grasp the waist of the motorcycle driver, and the child wears protective helmet or gear.
Another exemption is if the child being transported requires immediate medical attention.
The Department of Transportation – Land Transportation Office is the lead implementing agency of the Act. The DOTr-LTO may deputize the Philippine National Police, Metro Manila Development Authority, and the local government units to carry out enforcement functions and duties.
Violators shall be fined P3,000 for the first offense, P5,000 for the second offense, and P10,000 plus one-month suspension of driver’s license for the third offense. Beyond the third time, violators’ driver’s license shall be revoked.
Also, the DOTr enforced Republic Act No. 10913, or the Anti-Distracted Driving Act on Thursday, May 18, prohibiting motorists from using communication devices and other electronic gadgets while their vehicles are in motion or temporarily stopped on a traffic light or an intersection.
All these orders were intended to promote the welfare of everyone and to regain people’s trust in public institutions by improving existing government procedures. ### PCO-Content