09 July 2017

From Presidential Spokesperson Ernie Abella – On the election of Davao Archbishop Romulo Valles as new CBCP President
The new Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) head from Davao signals a new day of peace for a multi-cultural Philippines.

Archbishop Valles has served Mindanao as a Catholic priest for four decades. His familiarity with Davao and Mindanao would augur well for the country as we promote interfaith dialogue and intercultural understanding as part of our efforts to rebuild Marawi and to transform Mindanao into a land of fulfillment.

Our warm congratulations to Archbishop Valles as he leads the Catholic faithful in the country, towards developing a deeper spiritual life and for the Church to have a more open dialogue and cooperation with the government, especially in working for the poor and the marginalized.

 From Presidential Spokesperson Ernie Abella – On the appointment of General Dionisio Santiago as DDB Chair
The Palace announces the appointment of General Dionisio Santiago as Chairman of the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB).General Santiago served as Director-General of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). His expertise and advocacy is fighting illegal drugs, which became his platform when he ran in the last elections.

General Santiago’s return to the national government with his appointment to the DDB will greatly contribute to the President’s vision of a drug-free Philippines.