2016: | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEPT | OCT | NOV | DEC
JUNE 2016
Speech of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte at the Solidarity Dinner, Delpan Sports Complex, Tondo, Manila, 30 June 2016 | Transcript |
Toast of His Excellency Archbishop Guiseppe Pinto (Dean of the Diplomatic Corps) during the Inauguration of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, President’s Hall, Malacañan Palace, 30 June 2016 VideoTranscript |
Remarks of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte during the Inaugural Reception for members of the Diplomatic Corps and Ceremonial Toast, President’s Hall, Malacañan Palace, 30 June 2016 | VideoTranscript |
Speech of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte during his Inauguration as the 16th President of the Republic of the Philippines, Rizal Ceremonial Hall, Malacañang Palace, 30 June 2016 | Video | Transcript |
Press Conference by PCOO Sec. Sonny Coloma w/ Incoming PCOO Secretary Martin Andanar, Press Working Area, New Executive Bldg., Malacañang, 20 June 2016 |Transcript |
Press Conference by PCOO Sec. Sonny Coloma w/ Incoming PCOO Secretary Martin Andanar, Press Briefing Room, New Executive Bldg., Malacañang, 06 June 2016 | Transcript |