News Release

Biden extends condolences to Carina victims

US President Joe Biden extended his condolences to Filipinos ravaged by super typhoon Carina and the southwest monsoon, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Tuesday.

“Let me just start by sending our deepest condolences to all the victims of the recent typhoon and to say again, anything we can do to be of assistance, we welcome doing that,” Blinken said.

Secretary Blinken made the remarks during his joint courtesy call on President Marcos at the Malacañan Palace on Tuesday with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III.

He said they are “very, very pleased” to visit the Philippines. He also extended the greetings of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Secretary Austin also offered his condolences for those who have been affected by the storm.

“And I’ve said a number of times that we’re more than allies, we’re family and it always feels that way when, you know, I’m working with our colleagues,” Austin said.

For his part, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. extended his gratitude to the US government for extending its condolences to the Filipino people.

The President also renewed the commitment of the Philippines to strengthen its working relationship with the US.

“We are very happy to see you once again. I’m a bit surprised considering how interesting your political situation has become back in the States, but I’m glad that you found the time to come and visit with us,” President Marcos said.

Secretaries Blinken and Austin are currently in the Philippines to attend the Fourth Philippines-United States 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue on Tuesday with their counterparts, Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo and Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr.

It is the first time the 2+2 meeting is being held in Manila, as previous dialogues were held in Washington DC.

It is a policy-level dialogue co-chaired by the Secretaries of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Department of Defense, and the US Department of State and Department of Defense.

The Philippines-US formal diplomatic relations span 78 years since their formal establishment on July 4, 1946. PND