News Release

PBBM orders whole-of-gov’t approach to aid Houthi-hit PH seafarers’

The administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has imposed a whole-of-government approach to help Filipino seafarers attacked by the Houthi rebel group in the Red Sea.

In a Saturday news forum, Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Secretary Hans Cacdac said the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is closely working with foreign counterparts for the release of 17 Filipino seafarers captured by Houthi rebels last year.

“The ongoing effort to secure their release being undertaken through the DFA – the DFA is communicating with foreign governments who have communication line with Houthi rebels with the objective of securing the release of our seafarers and bringing them home safely,” he said.

At least 17 Filipino seafarers were affected when their vessel Galaxy Leader was attacked by the rebel group.

As to the Filipino seafarers onboard True Confidence, which was also hit by the rebels, Cacdac said 11 of them already came home safely. Two Filipinos, however, were killed during the attack.

He said overseas foreign experts have assisted in processing the remains of the two fatalities while families of the victims were already informed about the development before their remains are repatriated.

“So, the return of the two seafarers’ remains are expected to be home soon,” he said.

Cacdac said the collaborative efforts of various government agencies and its foreign counterparts have resulted in the quick rescue of 21 out of 22 Filipino seafarers onboard MV Tutor attacked by the Houthi group on Wednesday.

He said the rescue came in less than 24 hours after President Marcos ordered to have them moved to safety. |PND