News Release

Police, military asked to focus on ensuring honest, violence-free election

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte wants the police and the military to ensure honest and violence-free elections next week, noting it is his duty as president to ensure an orderly suffrage.

“I would emphasize that the military and the police focus on this event because we want an honest election,” President Duterte said during his weekly Talk to the People program aired on Tuesday urging those in the government to be conscious of this goal and work at it towards the end.

“Sinasabi ko lang as President, I guarantee that we will do everything to ensure that the election is free from violence and the people are not intimidated in any way to exercise their right to vote,” he added.

According to the President, it is his constitutional duty to see to it that the law and rules are followed.

At the same time, he assured voters that they will be able to exercise their right to vote and choose whoever they want to vote for.

President Duterte also encouraged the members of his Cabinet to remain neutral and to refrain from endorsing any candidate.

“Hindi ko naman sila pinagbabawalan but I requested the Cabinet at the start of — ‘yung itong Cabinet meetings natin na sinabi ko kung maaari lang kayo mag-remain neutral na lang rin,” he said.

“Kung may kandidato ka, just keep it to yourself and vote. But let us avoid endorsing any candidates so that there will be no second-guesses or implications that we are supporting this candidate or that candidate.” PND