News Release

From Presidential Spokesperson Ernie Abella – On Manila as one of the world’s best megacities for women

We welcome the good news that Manila is named 6th best megacity for women out of 19 world’s biggest megacities in the Thomson Reuters Foundation survey.

The June 1 to July 28, 2017 survey includes questions related to sexual violence, access to healthcare, cultural practices and economic opportunities. Manila scored highest in economic opportunities with 17 points reflecting that Filipino women have access to economic resources such as education, ownership of land or other forms of property, and financial services such as bank accounts.

Indeed, this assures the public that the Duterte administration is serious in upholding the welfare of Filipino women as the President directed the full implementation of Republic Act 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women, which recognizes, protects, fulfills, and promotes the rights of Filipino women, especially those in marginalized sector, including reproductive health services, broad anti-violence against women campaign, access to education and employment, among others.