The Human Rights Watch (HRW), a self-styled HR watchdog, has accused the Philippines of violating its membership obligations and threatens to call for the Philippines to be delisted from the UNHRC.
The only basis for suspension of privileges of members of the UNHRC is for the concerned member to have committed “gross and systematic violations of human rights” and such a decision is not of the UNHRC but by 2/3 vote of the members of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) present and voting. This is what is said in paragraph 8 of A/Res/251, the UNGA resolution that established the UNHRC.
The fact, however, remains that the UNHRC unanimously accepted and commended the Outcome Report on the Philippines’ Universal Periodic Review (UPR) – a decision undermined by HRW.
Thus, the noise from HRW amounts to nothing more than unwarranted nuisance.