News Release

From the Presidential Spokesperson – On Rappler’s article on the issues surrounding the Philippine Navy’s combat management systems

It is obvious that Rappler is ignorant of the government’s procurement law, Republic Act 9184, as well as the technical specifications of bidding of the two navy frigates of the Philippine Navy.

We have to underscore that the Aquino administration chose Hyundai as supplier of the two frigates. This means it will supply the boat, the navigation, the communications, and the combat management systems (CMS). It was also during the previous administration that Hyundai was declared the responsive bidder and awarded the two frigates, including the CMS.

It is therefore futile for Special Assistant to the President Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go to intervene in the choice of CMS as this was already included in the awarded frigates as part of the purchase price of PhP15.7 Billion.

This proves that Rappler’s allegation against SAP Go is without legal and factual basis.

Rappler, once again, has peddled fake news.