
Opening Statement by President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. at the Philippines-Qatar Bilateral Meeting

Event Philippines-Qatar Bilateral Meeting
Location State Dining Room, Malacañan Palace

Good morning, everyone.

I am very happy to be able to welcome Your Highness to the Philippines and to wish Your Highness a pleasant stay in our country, on what I understand is your first visit.

We are honored for the inclusion of the Philippines in Your Highness’ visit to this part of Asia this April.

With the Philippines and Qatar sharing 43 years of deep friendship and cooperation, I am certain that our discussions today will translate to stronger collaboration in common fields of interests.

I look forward to a fruitful and productive meeting with you today, with the hope that our discussion will open opportunities to improve and strengthen our bilateral relations at every level; at the commercial level, at the government-to-government level, at the people-to-people level.

This is our aspiration and I think that if we come to— if we are agreed that this is the way to go, there is much potential that we can take advantage of.

Thank you very much, Your Highness.