Thank you, Executive Secretary Luc Bersamin, for your kind introduction. [Please take your seats.]
The members of the Cabinet that are here present today and the Development Academy of the Philippines Board of Trustees; Pasay City Mayor Imelda Calixto-Rubiano; other local chief executives who are here present; the Development Academy of the Philippines President and CEO Majah-Leah Ravago; and of course to our DAP graduates and the very, very important contribution that their families have given to you and now to public service; my fellow workers in government; our partners from the private sector; ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.
Well, before anything else, allow me to congratulate the 661 graduates, who hold senior and middle management positions in various organizations. [applause]
Every time that we cross or go pass a new landmark in our lives, it is a great – it is a great success and it is a great testament to the work that you put in. Because you will not have arrived to this day had you not been dedicated to the work that you have taken on to yourselves. And that is learning how to be better, how to be more effective, how to be more compassionate in public service.
So, here at the first Academy-Wide Graduation Ceremony of the Development Academy of the Philippines, it brings me great pride to know that I am leading our nation alongside competent and highly skilled individuals.
So, as you include another academic and professional achievement in your list of accolades, be reminded of the great responsibility you hold: to use the knowledge you have gained in the Academy to uplift good government and promote the welfare of every single Filipino.
As graduates of the prestigious DAP, you are called upon now to consider how you can contribute to the noble yet formidable pursuit of public service.
Public service is a different undertaking than any other sector of society. I refer to public service as a calling. It is something that is inherent in our natures. Many people do not feel the need to serve the public. We do. And we dedicate our lives to public service because it is the one thing that we have found. The thing – to be able to help people outside yourself, outside of your family is what brings the most meaning to our lives. And that is why we enter into the sphere of public service.
Many people have said and I’m sure you have heard it yourselves that public service is a thankless jobs. And I can also understand why people might say that because the rewards that we gain are not rewards of treasure, of fame, of high position, of high influence. No. Our rewards are more subtle, more nuanced. Our rewards are the satisfaction we gain that the work that we do, that the compassion that we bring is helping other people. And when we see that somehow we get frustrated and we say that well, we are trying very hard but the system is difficult, the system is not conducive to all the things that we would like to do.
My advice to you is be patient. The time will come when you will see that you continue to go at the problem, and sometimes it feels like you’re banging your head against a brick wall. Well, keep banging. Because one day we will see the effects that banging your head against the wall and continuing the work that you have committed your life to, you will see that the effects and the results of your hard work, and to the benefit of other people. You will have changed lives. You will have made lives better for ordinary people — people you do not even know.
And they say we are generous and we are giving. But on the other hand, I must say that there is a selfish aspect to it. We do it because we want to feel that satisfaction, we want to feel that joy of having helped, of having made a difference, of having brought maybe just one person to a better place. But in helping that one person, that one person will be – is part of this society and the better position that you have put them in will contribute to the progress of the entire society. That is how important is the work that you do.
And so we are dedicated, we are passionate, and we are committed to the work that we do. But passion and commitment no matter how great can only take us so far. And that is why we must learn the skills to be better, more efficient, more proactive, more innovative.
And we have to learn new skills because the world continuously changes. And that is why it is important what you have done, to go through these courses under the Development Academy of the Philippines to learn the skills that are necessary, to be able to use the tools that are available to you to their best effect. And that is the achievement that we commemorate today.
Without a doubt, our nation is in need of leaders who are committed to the greater good. Leaders who embody the highest ideal of a disciplined Bagong Pilipinas—always opting to choose a difficult right over a convenient or easy wrong.
We are working to ensure that the government budget and spending shall help improve the lives of our people and propel our nation to greater heights.
Armed with new learnings and the values inculcated by this institution, I ask that when you fully resume your work, you will be the stewards of transparency and good governance.
I trust you to ensure that every centavo appropriated to your offices be spent judiciously and wisely for projects that sustainably benefit the Filipino people not only of this present generation but all those who are to come.
The Filipinos deserve no less than our utmost diligence, accountability, and our integrity.
So, I ask that every time you come to work, ensure that your efforts are geared towards uplifting the lives of our fellow Filipinos.
Start by helping the government improve the delivery of services to our citizens. Amongst the many strategic initiatives and innovations that we should improve are promoting the ease in public transactions, for example, reducing red tape, eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic processes.
So, as you move forward, never lose sight of your core. Remember why you joined the public service and why you even pursued additional and rigorous competitive programs in this Academy.
May you carry your newly acquired knowledge and skills while embodying the Academy’s core values of Dangal, Galing, at Tatag— as we collectively realize our aspirations for a Bagong Pilipinas.
Once again, congratulations to all our graduates!
Mabuhay kayo! Mabuhay ang DAP!
Mabuhay ang Bagong Pilipinas!
Maraming salamat sa inyong lahat! [applause]
— END —