
Speech by President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. at the Signing of the Connection Agreement between the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) and San Ignacio Energy Resources Development Corporation (SIERDC) for the Isabela Ground Mounted Project (IGMSP)

Event Signing of the Connection Agreement between the NGCP and SIERDC for the Isabela Ground Mounted Solar Project City of Ilagan, Isabela
Location Ilagan City, Isabela

Thank you very much to House Speaker, Speaker Martin Romualdez. [Please be seated.]

Her Excellency, the French Ambassador to the Philippines, Ambassador Marie Fontanel. Welcome to — as I was telling her earlier, welcome to my part of the country. Every time a new ambassador comes to the Philippines, they present their credentials, I always tell them that you should — you know, I know that the work is Manila, but you should always try to find a time to go and see the rest of the Philippines because the real Philippines is outside of the city. And of course, I immediately make the first invitation. I said, can I invite you to Ilocos Norte? So, madame Ambassador, you have not made it yet to… [Oh you have? Oh, well done.] So now, she’s familiar already with the Ilocano part of the Philippines; Provincial Governor Rodito Albano; the NGCP President and CEO Anthony Almeda; the San Ignacio Energy Resources Development Corporation President Miguel Mapa; all our friends who have come to help us shift the mix of power from fossil fuels to renewables; the investors who have come to assist us here and have made this very important project happen; all my fellow workers in government; distinguished guests; ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon. Naimbag nga aldaw yu amin (Good afternoon to all of you). [applause]

Today, we take another very important step towards a future where sustainable energy powers our homes, drives our [economic] growth, and improves the quality of life for all Filipinos.

It is with immense pride that I join you for the signing of the Connection Agreement between NGCP and the San Ignacio Energy Resources Development Corporation (SIERDC) for this project, the Isabela Ground Mounted Solar Project.

This project is not only about transforming the energy landscape in Isabela; it is about strengthening our entire national grid [and] moving us closer to a resilient and renewable energy-secure future.

With an investment of 18 billion pesos, we are looking at [generating] about 440 megawatts of clean energy and that amounts to as we saw in the video, that amounts to 700 gigawatt hours per annum which is a very significant amount.

The construction phase will create jobs for [around] 4,000 workers, boosting our local economy and improving the lives of many families.

So, I extend my heartfelt appreciation and congratulations to the Provincial Government of Isabela, to NGCP, and SIERDC [applause] for their dedication and hard work that they have put in to bring us to this day where we are groundbreaking the project.

Your hard work and commitment are truly commendable.

I express my gratitude as well to the French government and TotalEnergies for their invaluable contribution to this undertaking.

Your commitment to renewable energy development in the Philippines shows the importance of international cooperation in tackling global challenges.

For this project and other similar endeavors to succeed, we need to expedite the necessary permits and ensure full regulatory compliance.

That is why our government has developed the Energy Virtual One-Stop Shop or EVOSS.

This platform simplifies the permitting process, making it quicker and more efficient, so projects like this can be completed on time.

I urge the NGCP to work closely with government to ensure our energy infrastructure remains secure, reliable, and capable of meeting our growing demands.

This collaboration that we have formalized today is key to achieving our renewable energy goals and to ensure a stable power supply for all Filipinos, not just for today but for the future.

Having more initiatives like this project will be a catalyst for our country’s positive transformation.

For one, it will pave the way for a brighter future for all Filipinos by providing more clean energy to light our homes, to invigorate our schools, power our businesses, and fuel our industries.

It will also help us in realizing our renewable energy ambitions, which is the inevitable way forward.

Indeed, renewable energy is a crucial step for a country and a world grappling against climate change.

This way, we may bequeath a greener, more secure, [and] sustainable future for our children and for generations to come.

Let us continue to pursue extraordinary opportunities like this to give ourselves and the next generations to come a fighting chance to succeed in reversing our exacerbating [climate problems].

We in the Philippines have the unfortunate distinction of having been assessed as being one of the most, if not the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change and global warming.

So, with unwavering dedication and our combined efforts, we can create a future where renewable energy not only drives our progress and prosperity but it also becomes a fundamental part of our national identity.

Through this collective commitment, we will ensure that renewable energy is not just a source of power but a light, a guide, our north star, to show our nation’s resilience, innovation, and forward-thinking spirit.

Let us illuminate the path together towards a brighter tomorrow, where brilliance of sustainable energy will continue to shine as a beacon of hope for generations to come.

Mabuhay ang IGMSP! Mabuhay ang Isabela!

Mabuhay ang Bagong Pilipinas! At maagang pagbati sa lahat ng isang maligayang Araw ng Kalayaan! Magandang hapon sa inyong lahat. [applause] 


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